Monday, August 15, 2016


Someone asked me the other day who I was voting for.  Someone I love dearly.  I answered that I wasn't sure, but the reality is, I've learned my lesson over the years.  I don't want to antagonize my family so I don't discuss politics with them.  However, this lovely human being I adore so much, started to explain to me why she thought Trump was the best choice for president and one of the things she mentioned was closing our borders.

You know, the world is a scary place these days.  And it's getting scarier.  You watch terrorists attacking cities in Europe and even the US.  Shootings on television and all sorts of insanity show up every night on the evening news.  It's no wonder she's worried.

When you listen to these news stories, it's easy to decide to blame one group of people and say, "it's their fault."  After all, it's true terrorist organizations are using refugees fleeing Syria and the Middle East to sneak their people into Europe with the intention of inflicting acts of terror on the citizens of those countries.  It's true.  But will closing the borders make that stop?

It's also true we have a huge problem with people entering the US illegally and trying to find work here.  Will building a fence or closing a border prevent them from trying to find a better way of life for themselves or their children?

I don't think so.

But more importantly, I think about Jesus Christ and what he would do.  Would he close borders out of fear of terrorism or because foreigners were using up our resources?  Would he deny someone a chance for freedom from tyranny or a better economic future for their family?

Christ taught charity.  He asked us to treat our neighbors as we ourselves would want to be treated.  But most importantly, in the gospel of Matthew chapter 5 verse 39, Christ says, "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil:  but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."  The meaning of this message is clear.  Where the Old Testament taught us an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth...  Christ taught sufferance.  

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that God never intended for us to live violent lives.  He doesn't want any of us to suffer at the hands of terrorists.  But he didn't want us to play it safe either.  He never intended for us to live in a world where we hide behind closed borders or walls and shut the pain and hardship of others out in order to stay safe.

He wants us to extend our hands to help those who are injured or harmed by tyranny, who would strive to provide for their families.  Building a wall, closing a border or locking the world out will never soften the hearts of our enemies.  It will never cause the change God wants to see in the world.  There's no love in turning away.

The world is a scary, dangerous place.

That's true...

But I prefer to see it in a different way.  The world is a place full of opportunity to reach out our hands in kindness, charity and fellowship to those who are suffering.  Those sons and daughters of God who so desperately need the love we've been readily blessed with.

Closing our borders...  Building a wall...

...Is not the path of Christ.